目前分類:★Games&Activities★ (19)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

The more the better!

Aim: general review of vocabulary or sentence pattern.

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I was teaching the kids how to solve math problems in English.

It wasn't the first time, but I used a different beginning today.

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Name: Listen and Count

Aim: To Identify the Beginning Sound(PHONICS)

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I spent more than an hour to record it for my sis who's teaching Mandarin as her job now.

What time was it? it was around 1am last night.

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Name:Target Number

  You may simply turn it into an activity to review numbers.
  In that case, just have Ss take turns guessing and don't even need

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Exactly the Same / Totally Different

If you've watched the TV show called 無敵鐵金剛, you might know the rules of this activity.

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Listen, Find and Say

Materials: Picture Cards

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Search & Read

Aim: Reading Practice

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Turn & Read

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What's the name of the activity?

    (Don't) Read the Last Sentence.

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It's an exciting game/activity for drilling either on sentence patterns or on vocabulary.
The teacher may choose an "IT" before the game.

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Here's another song i found from the web.

5 little ducks

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I like teaching songs.
While singsing, I always invite my lovely babies to dance with me.

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       Name: Slapjack  (Video Provided!!!!!!! )
       Aim: To review the 12 months or alphabet.

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      Name: Turn around and around
      Aim: to be familiar with any chant, songs, or some stories

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Name: Catch the Ball


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      Name: The Pirates

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    Name: Collect the sticks(temporary)
    Aim: to review the colors.

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   Name: Take Me Home!

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