
       Name: Slapjack  (Video Provided!!!!!!! )
       Aim: To review the 12 months or alphabet.
            The variation shows how it works to other vocabulary.
       Materials: self-made month cards or alphabet cards        or any different topics of pic/word cards
                  [As you know, i got the alphabet cards few days ago. 
                   But before that, i'd already bought a deck which means you can easily get one for around $NT100.
                   Or you may just make your own cards for sure if you want since it's not too difficult, just takes time. 
                   I'll print out my month cards and get laminated someday.
                   Oh! Another "someday"!!
       Procedure: (Take month cards for example)
         1. Deal out a deck of card into face-down stacks to all players who sit in a circle.
         2. The players take turns shout out from January to December.
            The player who shouts out the month has to remove the top card of his/her stack face-up in the center of the circle.
         3. When the months showed and the shouted are the same, all players may attempt to slap that card as fast as possible.
         4. The slowest player collect the pile of card in the center.
         5. Repeat the second step to the fourth step.
         6. The first one to get rid of all the cards is the winner.
         1. Set a Jack-card. [In my case, it was the "FOX." ]
         2. One player holds all the cards and removes the bottom card of the
            stack since some pic/word cards have diffirent thing on both sides.
         3. All players shoud shout out the pic/word showed until they see the
         4. At the moment they see the Jack, they may attempt to slap the card.
         5. The fastest person wins and gets one point.
         6. The person who gets the most points wins the game.
         (If there are too many Ss in the class, you may divide them into
          groups of two or three and they take turns playing. And have those
          who are waiting cheer for their teammate
          or help shouting out the words.)

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